Kabelline is a dual-action preparation guaranteed by lipolysis (due to deoxycholic acid) and hypotonic fat dissolution (thanks to the DexLevo formula).
There are many weight loss programs, including exercise, diet, and even surgery. Today, a similar problem can be solved by undergoing a course of cosmetic procedures using various lipolytic agents.
The lipolytic agent is developed using the unique DexLevo formula, which stimulates the breakdown of fat cells due to the large accumulation of water in them. Kabelline Contouring Solution is designed to eliminate localized fat deposits and improve appearance.
Kabelline Lipolytic Serum is approved for use by the US Food and Drug Administration.
The main constituent of lipolytic is deoxycholic acid, which, being a part of our body, dissolves fat and at the same time is a product that ensures the vital activity of intestinal bacteria. In addition, the acid contributes to the process of emulsification of fats with their further excretion from the body.


Kabelline is a product designed to contour and eliminate excess fat. It is used on the face (cheekbones, chin), giving it clear and beautiful lines, as well as on the body, removing excess fat from the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, etc.

Moreover, Kabelline is a homeopathic remedy used as a concomitant medication during the treatment of fat storage at various stages. It goes well with diet and exercise.


Lipolytic does not pose a health hazard, however, the procedure is contraindicated for women during pregnancy and lactation.